This property sets the percentage of the thickness of the second double line.
Property Value
An integer value that indicates the percentage of line thickness
Default value is 33
The DoubleLineWidth2 property sets the percentage of the thickness of the second double line when the DoubleLine property is set to True.
The DoubleLineWidth2 property refers to the percentage of the thickness of the second line when drawing a Line, Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object as a double line. The unit is percentage. The percentage of the thickness of each double line is determined by the value of this property and the value of the DoubleLineWidth1 property, and the remaining percentage is the width of the spacing between the two lines. The minimum value for this property is 10 and the maximum value is 80. If you set a value less than 10, the value will be 10, and if you set a value greater than 80, it will be 80. Also, if the sum of the values of this property and the DoubleLineWidth1 property exceeds 90, the value of the DoubleLineWidth1 property takes precedence and the value of DoubleLineWidth2 property is automatically set to the value of [90 - DoubleLineWidth1 property value].
The values can be changed even after the objects have been drawn by right-clicking the object to display the context menu, by executing the ShowPropertyDialog method to display the propery dialog, or by setting the SelectedObjectDoubleLineWidth2 property.
Also See
ImageKit.Edit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit