This property sets the hatch pattern color or the start color for gradation when using the custom brush.

[Visual Basic] Public Property CustomBrushColor1 As System.Drawing.Color
[C#] public System.Drawing.Color CustomBrushColor1 {get; set;}

Property Value

Value of type System.Drawing.Color

Default value is System.Drawing.Color.Black


The CustomBrushColor1 property sets the hatch pattern color when using BrushOfKind.HatchBrush. It also sets the start color for gradation when using the BrushOfKind.LinearGradientBrush.

To use a transparent color, set this property to Color.Transparent. It is also possible to use a partially transparent color by setting an alpha value using the System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb method.

For details on the custom brush, refer to the CustomBrushEnabled property.

See also

ImageKit.Edit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation