This enumeration refers to the type of error that has occurred in the ImageKit Control.
public enum Error
Public Members
Member | Value | Explanation |
None | 0 | No error has occurred |
Cancel | 1 | The process was canceled |
ETC | 2 | An unspecified error has occurred |
Memory | 3 | A memory error has occurred |
Support | 4 | This function is not supported |
Value | 5 | An incorrect value has been set |
File | 6 | The file is incorrect or corrupted |
Image | 7 | The image is incorrect or corrupted |
Twain32Load | 8 | Twain_32.dll can not load. This is no longer supported but is here for backward compatibility. In the ImageKit.NET3, use TwainLoad |
TwainLoad | 8 | Twain_32.dll or the TwainDSM.dll could not load. |
Draw | 9 | An error has occurred while drawing on or displaying an image |
ImageSupport | 10 | That image format is not supported |
Step | 11 | The order of execution is incorrect |
ADFNoPaper | 12 | There is no paper in the ADF |
DigitalCameraNoImage | 13 | There are no images in the digital camera (UI suppressed only) |
DllUnload | 14 | The DLL is not loaded |
Trans | 15 | Transmission error |
FileNotFound | 16 | Cannot find file |
FileCorrupt | 17 | The file is corrupted |
Timeout | 18 | A timeout has occurred. The process has been cancelled |
TransDenied | 19 | The username and/or password is incorrect. Access denied. |
FileOpen | 20 | Cannot open file |
FileCreate | 21 | Cannot create file |
FileWrite | 22 | Cannot save file |
FileRead | 23 | Cannot load file |
NoImage | 24 | There is no image data to display |
Directory | 25 | Directory related error |
FileSave | 26 | File could not be saved |
PDFFileCreate | 27 | PDF file could not be created |
PDFAddPage | 28 | Page could not be added to PDF file |
PDFAddImage | 29 | Image could not be added to PDF file |
ThumbnailConfigFile | 50 | The ConfigFile is not set |
ThumbnailImageDirectory | 51 | The ImageDirectory is not set |
ThumbnailThumbImageDirectory | 52 | The ThumbnailImageDirectory is not set |
ThumbnailImageFileExtension | 53 | The ImageFileExtension is not set |
ThumbnailImageWidth | 54 | The Imagewidth is not set |
ThumbnailImageHeight | 55 | The Imageheight is not set |
Twain32Entry | 101 | There is no entry point for the Twain_32.dll. This is no longer used but is kept for backward compatibility. Use TwainEntry instead. |
TwainEntry | 101 | There is no entry point for the Twain_32.dll or the TwainDSM.dll |
DsmOrDsOpen | 102 | The data source manager and the data source haven't been opened or can't be open |
NoDataSource | 103 | There is no data source |
MaxConnections | 104 | The data source is already connected to the maximum number of applications |
Operation | 105 | An error has occurred in the data source or in the data source manager |
BadProtocol | 106 | An unconfirmed triplet has occurred (TWAIN - DG_XXX/DAT_XXX/MSG_XXX) |
DeviceOnline | 107 | Check the scan device's operating state |
PaperJam | 108 | Paper is jammed in the feeder |
PaperDoubleFeed | 109 | Multiple sheets of paper have been fed into the feeder |
BadResolution | 110 | The resolution is incorrect |
CoverOpen | 111 | The cover is open |
DamagedCorner | 112 | A corner of the document is damaged |
FocusError | 113 | A focus error occurred during the scan |
DocTooLight | 114 | The document is too light |
DocTooDark | 115 | The document is too dark |
NoMedia | 116 | Image information could not retrieved or transferred |
DirectX | 201 | The DirectX environment is not correct |
Connect | 202 | Unable to connect to the device |
Interface | 203 | COM interface related error has occurred |
TrialExpired | 900 | The trial version has been expired |
Activation | 901 | License confirmation failed |