This enumeration refers to the types of Capability.

public enum ScanCapability

Public Members

Member Value Explanation
Compression 256
Compression method
PixelType 257 Pixel type
Unit 258 The units of measurement
Transfer 259 Transfer method
FeederEnabled 4098 Document feeder function
FeederLoaded 4099 The function that checks whether or not there is paper in the document feeder
Indicator 4107 Indicator
UIControllable 4110 UI control function
DeviceOnline 4111 The function that checks the device's operating state
ThumbnailEnabled 4113 The function that transfers thumbnail images
Duplex 4114 Duplex scanning with the document feeder is supported
DuplexEnabled 4115 Duplex scanning with the document feeder is enabled
EnableDataSourceUIOnly 4116 Display setting interface
CustomDataSourceData 4117 Retrieve or set UI values
AutoBright 4352 Automatic brightness adjustment
Brightness 4353 Brightness
Contrast 4355 Contrast
Fiter 4358 Filter
Gamma 4360 Gamma
Halftone 4361 Halftone
Highlight 4362 Highlight
ImageFileFormat 4364 ImageFileFormat
DropoutColor 4366 DropoutColor
Orientation 4368 Paper orientation
Shadow 4371 Shadow
XResolution 4376 The horizontal scan resolution
YResolution 4377 The vertical scan resolution
PaperSize 4386 PaperSize
Threshold 4387 Threshold
XScaling 4388 The horizontal scaling
YScaling 4389 The vertical scaling
BitDepthReduction 4396 The method used to reduce the bit depth when scanning in 1 bit color
UndefinedImageSize 4397 The undefined size
ImageDataSet 4398 How many images are in a digital camera
AutoDiscardBlankPages 4404 Automatically skip blank pages (Standard Twain Capability)
ImageFilter 4423 ImageFilter
NoiseFilter 4424 NoiseFilter
BorderDetection 4432 BorderDetection
Deskew 4433 Deskew
AutomaticRotate 4434 Automatic rotation
JpegQuality 4435 JpegQuality
AutoSize 4438 Auto page size recognition
AutomaticColorEnabled 4441 Auto color recognition
ImageMerge 4444 Double sided composition
ScanningSpeed 61441 ScanningSpeed
MoireFilter 61442 MoireFilter
MoireFilterMaxResolution 61443 The maximum resolution when using a moire filter
Sharpness 61444 Sharpness
RotateBack 61445 RotateBack when using ADF in duplex mode
ExtendedUserInterface 61446 ExtendedUserInterface
DynamicThreshold 61447 DynamicThreshold
PixelAutomation 61448 Automatically detecting ratio of BW/Color
MultiStream 61449 MultiStream
TextOrientationRecognition 61450 Automatically recognizes orientation from text.
SkipBlankPage 61451 Automatically skips blank pages.
RemoveHole 61452 Automatically removes punch holes.
FocusPosition 61453 FocusPostion
TextEnhancement 61454 TextEnhancement
Border 61455 Border Functions
AdjustGamma 61456 Gamma Adjustmen

See Also

Scan Members | Newtone.ImageKit

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation