This method sets the various image information into the following property values: BitCount, Gray, ImageKind, ImageSize, ImageHeight, ImageWidth, ImageWidthByte, Mask1632, PalCount, Xdpi, and Ydpi.
[Visual Basic]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetImageType
[Visual C++]     [ BOOL = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetImageType()
[VB.NET]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetImageType()
[C#.NET]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetImageType()



Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful, otherwise returns False (0).


The GetImageType method sets the various image information into the image's related property values. Depending on the LayerNo property value, the information will be related to the image set in the ImageHandle property of the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property.


For the image referred to by the ImageHandle property

The following properties will be set: BitCount, Gray, ImageKind, ImageSize, ImageHeight, ImageWidth, ImageWidthByte, Mask1632, PalCount, Xdpi, Ydpi


For the image referred to by the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property

The following properties will be set: Layer(LayerNo).BitCount, Layer(LayerNo).Gray, Layer(LayerNo).Height, Layer(LayerNo).ImageKind, Layer(LayerNo).ImageSize, Layer(LayerNo).Mask1632, Layer(LayerNo).PalCount, Layer(LayerNo).Width, Layer(LayerNo).WidthByte, Layer(LayerNo).Xdpi, Layer(LayerNo).Ydpi

Note: Even if you do not execute the GetImageType method, when an image is set into the ImageHandle property or the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property, the image information is automatically set into these various properties.


The ImageKit9 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation