Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about us or our products.

Newtone Corporation
Honchou 2-2-15, Shangrila Honchou 1F
Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture
940-0076, JAPAN
Telephone: +(81)258-86-6954
Fax: +(81)258-86-6964




When contacting us for technical support, please include the following information.

User Information

Name - The name of the person who is registered to receive support.

Product Information

Product name
Version number
Product Serial Number - provided by the vendor when the ImageKit was purchased.
The ActiveX or DLL file time stamp.

Development Environment Information

Operating system
Development container
Module being used (ActiveX or DLL)
If your inquiry involves a scanner or digital camera, please include the model and version number of that TWAIN device.
If you inquiry involves a web camera, please include the make and model of the camera and the DirectX version you are using.


Please explain the circumstances or conditions under which the problem or question exists. This explanation should be made as clearly and concisely as possible. If it is difficult to explain the problem in writing, please feel free to attach a small sample program that illustrates the problem. However, make sure that all programming not directly related to the issue at hand is eliminated from the program before sending it to us. Furthermore, please compress all sample programs into ZIP compression format before sending.


Support is available ONLY to holders of a VALID PC developer license who have REGISTERED their license with us. For details about user registration, please refer to our website. 


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation