This function converts a vector image to a raster image

[C++Builder/Visual C++]     HANDLE IKVectorToRaster(HANDLE hMbh, short BitCount, BOOL Black, BYTE BackRed, BYTE BackGre, BYTE BackBlu);
[Delphi]         function IKVectorToRaster(hMbh: THandle; BitCount: Smallint; Black: LongBool; BackRed, BackGre, BackBlu: Byte): THandle;
[Visual Basic]   Function IKVectorToRaster(ByVal hMbh As Long, ByVal BitCount As Integer, ByVal Black As Long, ByVal BackRed As Byte, ByVal BackGre As Byte, ByVal BackBlu As Byte) As Long


Name Explanation
hMbh The image handle of the vector image
BitCount The bit count of the raster image after conversion (1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32)
Black Reverses black and white in DXF images. [True (nonzero) : Reverses color, False (0): does not reverse color]
BackRed Background color (red value)
BackGre Background color (green value)
BackBlu Background color (blue value)

Return Value

Returns the raster image handle if successful, otherwise returns False (0)


The IKVectorToRaster function converts a vector image to a raster image. If the hMbh parameter refers to a DXF image, then the Black parameter is enabled.

Note: To execute this function, you must first execute the FunctionIkVectorGdipStart function.

Differences from the ImageKit6

In the ImageKit6 is function was called IKVectToDib


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation