This function converts a raster image to a vector image

[C++Builder/Visual C++]     HANDLE IKRasterToVector(HANDLE Handle, BOOL BlackOnWhite, short Tolerance, long TimeOutSeconds, IKPROCESSPROC UserProc, LPCTSTR Caption, LPCTSTR Message, LPCTSTR Button);
[Delphi]         function IKRasterToVector(Handle: THandle; BlackOnWhite: LongBool; Tolerance: Smallint; TimeOutSeconds, UserProc: LONG_PTR; Caption, Message, Button: PChar): THandle;
[Visual Basic]   Function IKRasterToVector(ByVal Handle As Long, ByVal BlackOnWhite As Long, ByVal Tolerance As Integer, ByVal TimeOutSeconds As Long, ByVal UserProc As Long, ByVal Caption As String, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Button As String) As Long


Name Explanation
Handle The image handle of the raster image
BlackOnWhite False(0)FWhite characters on a black background, True(nonzero): Black characters on a white background
Tolerance From 0 (high sensitivity) to 10 (low sensitivity)
TimeOutSeconds The number of seconds before the process is canceled
UserProc The address of the user function (set to 0 if the user function is not used)
Caption The text displayed in the title bar of the progress dialog box
Message The message displayed in the center of the progress dialog box
Button The text displayed in the button in the progress dialog box

Return Value

Returns the vector image handle if successful. Returns False (0) if unsuccessful.


The IKRasterToVector function converts a raster image to a vector image. Supports black and white (1 bit) images.

If during processing, the time exceeds the TimeOutSeconds, the process will be concelled.
When Caption, Message, and ButtonName are blank, the progress dialog will not be displayed. When the progress dialog is displayed, the percentage that the processing has completed will be shown in the dialog.
Regarding the user function, please refer to the user function definition in the Ik10RasToVect.dll, Ik10RasToVectA.dll, Ik10RasToVect64.dll, Ik10RasToVect64A.dll


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation