This function loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate RGB planes.

[C++Builder/Visual C++]     HANDLE IKRGBBmpPlaneFileLoad(LPCTSTR RedFileName, LPCTSTR GreenFileName, LPCTSTR BlueFileName);
[Delphi]         function IKRGBBmpPlaneFileLoad(RedFileName, GreenFileName, BlueFileName: PChar): THandle;
[Visual Basic]   Function IKRGBBmpPlaneFileLoad(ByVal RedFileName As String, ByVal GreenFileName As String, ByVal BlueFileName As String) As Long


Name Explanation
RedFileName The filename of the R plane image to be loaded
GreenFileName The filename of the G plane image to be loaded
BlueFileName The filename of the B plane image to be loaded

Return Value

Returns the image handle of the raster image if successful. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.


The IKRGBBmpPlaneFileLoad function loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate RGB planes. Supports 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit color. The individual RGB plane images are 8 bit grayscale and the output image is 24 bit color.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation