This function changes the size of raster images. Use this function in C++Builder and Delphi. For Visual Basic and Visual C++, please refer to the IKResize function.

[C++Builder]     BOOL IKResizeEx(PTR_IKSELECT_IMAGE SrcHandle, PTR_IKSELECT_IMAGE DstHandle, long Width, long Height, BOOL Mode, IKPROCESSPROC UserProc, LPCTSTR Caption, LPCTSTR Message, LPCTSTR Button);
[Delphi]         function IKResizeEx(var SrcHandle, DstHandle: IKSELECT_IMAGE; Width, Height: Longint; Mode: LongBool; UserProc: LONG_PTR; Caption, Message, Button: PChar): LongBool;


Name Explanation
SrcHandle A structure containing the image handle and the mask image handle member variables
hImgBmh can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 bit images
DstHandle A structure whose member variables contain the created image handle and mask image handle. (if unsuccessful the members of the structure return 0) Note: DstHandle is used by the IKResizeEx function only
Width The width of the new image (in pixels)
Height The height of the new image (in pixels)
Mode Sets whether Interpolation is used. (False (0): does not interpolate, True (nonzero): interpolates).
When enlarging the image, the linear interpolation method is used, when reducing the image, the average method is used. The interpolation can be used for 8 bit grayscale, 16, 24, and 32 bit images.
UserProc The address of the user function (If not using the user function then set to 0)
Caption Sets the text displayed in the title bar of the progress dialog box
Message Sets the message displayed in the progress dialog box
Button Sets the name of the button displayed in the progress dialog box

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful. Returns False (0) if unsuccessful.


The IKResizeEx function changes the size of raster images. When the Mode parameter is false (No interpolation) then changes in size can adversely affect the quality of the Image. Use this function in C++Builder and Delphi. For Visual Basic and Visual C++, please refer to the IKResize function

Note: the image handles passed to IKSELECT_IMAGE are NOT automatically freed after executing this function.

If the user function is set or if the Caption, Message, and Button parameters are blank then the Progress dialog box is not displayed. If the Progress dialog box is displayed, it indicates the percentage of the current process completed. For more information about the user function please refer to the Definition of User Function in the Ik10Effect.dll, Ik10EffectA.dll, Ik10Effect64.dll, Ik10Effect64A.dlll section.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation