The Preview Control connects to a Web(USB) camera and displays video. It provides properties, methods, and events to open start, stop, pause, and resume the video. Snapshot can be taken from the video.


Property List


Custom Properties Explanation
Appearance Sets the appearance of the Preview Control's border
BackColor Sets the background color for the Preview Control
BitCount Refers to the number of bits per pixel
BorderColor Sets the color of Preview Control's the border.
BorderVisible Sets whether or not the border of the Preview Control is displayed
Compression Refers to the compression format of the bitmap
Enabled Sets whether or not the mouse and keyboard events of the Preview Control are enabled
ErrorStatus Retrieves the type of error that has occurred
FrameRate Sets the frame rate
HWND Refers to the window handle of the Preview Control
MaximumFrameRate The maximum frame rate
MinimumFrameRate The minimum frame rate
MouseCursorFile Sets the name of the cursor file used for the user defined mouse cursor
MouseCursorType Sets the shape of the mouse cursor when the mouse is within the Preview Control
State Retrieves the current state of the Preview Control
VideoDevices Retrieves the name of the video device
VideoHeight Retrieves the height of the video
VideoSubType The GUID string that specifies the subtype of the media sample
VideoWidth Retrieves the width of the video


Method List


Custom Method Explanation
Close Closes the video file
GetStreamFormat Retrieves the specified format function
GetStreamFormats Retrieves the specified set of format functions
GetVideoDevices Retrieves the video device name
Open Connects to the Web(USB) camera in preview mode
Pause Pauses the preview or restarts a paused preview
SetStreamFormat Sets the specified format functions
ShowCapturePinDialog Displays the capture pin dialog
ShowFilterDialog Displays the filter dialog
Start Starts the preview
Stop Stops the preview
TakeSnapshot Takes a snapshot from the preview


Event List


Custom Event Explanation
Snapshot Generated when a snapshot is taken from the preview


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation