This property sets the display position of an image that is smaller than the ImageKit control size

[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.ImageAtLeftTop [= Boolean ]
[Visual C++]   imagekitcontrolname.SetImageAtLeftTop(BOOL Val)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.ImageAtLeftTop [= Boolean ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.ImageAtLeftTop [= bool ]

Property Value

Value Explanation
True The image is displayed at the top left corner of the ImageKit control
False The image is displayed in the center of the ImageKit control


The ImageAtLeftTop property determines where an image will be displayed when it is smaller than the ImageKit control. When this property is True, the image will be displayed in the top left corner of the ImageKit control. When this property is false, the image will be displayed in the center of the ImageKit control. The default value is false.

The ImageAtLeftTop property is enabled when scale display or actual size display is used. For details about the display mode, please refer to the DisplayMode property. If the image is larger than the ImageKit control then this property is disabled. In that case, the display location of the image is affected by the DispCenterX, DispCenterY, DispStartX, and DispStartY properties.

Setting this value

This value cannot be set.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation