This property sets whether or not the image will be automatically displayed in the ImageKit Control.
[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.AutoDisplay [= Boolean ]
[Visual C++]     [BOOL = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetAutoDisplay()
                 imagekitcontrolname.SetAutoSize(BOOL Val)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.AutoDisplay [= Boolean ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.AutoDisplay [= bool ]

Property Value

Value Explanation
True (default) The image will automatically be displayed
False The image will not be automatically displayed


The AutoDisplay property sets whether or not the image will be automatically displayed in the ImageKit Control. The default value is True.

When AutoDiplay is True and an image is loaded or an image is set into the ImageHandle property, then the image is automatically displayed in the ImageKit Control. When False, the image is not automatically displayed and to display it you must execute the DisplayImage method. Note: The value set in the DisplayMode property sets the mode with which the image is displayed.

For related details, please refer to the ShowInDisp, ShowInMagnifier, and ShowInPanWindow properties

Setting this value

  This value can be set at design-time and at run-time.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation