This property sets whether or not an image will be displayed in high quality in the Pan Window. This property has been deprecated.

[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.PanWindow.RefineImage[ = Boolean ]
[Visual C++]     [ BOOL = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetPanWindow().GetRefineImage()
                 imagekitcontrolname.GetPanWindow().SetRefineImage(BOOL Val)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.PanWindow.RefineImage[ = Boolean ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.PanWindow.RefineImage[ = bool ]

Property Value

Value Explanation
True Images will be displayed in high quality (Default)
False Images will be displayed as normal.


The RefineImage property sets whether or not an image will be displayed in high quality in the Pan Window. The default value is True.

The RefineImage property is applied regardless of the image bitcount.

IMPORTANT: This property has been deprecated. Please do not use this property in new applications. It is being maintained to provide backward compatibility with the ImageKit7.

Setting this value

  This value can be set at runtime.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at runtime.

[Differences between the ImageKit7 ActiveX
For ImageKit10 ActiveX programs to function like IK7 programs, set the StretchMode property to 0 (ikRefineImage).


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation