This property sets interlacing when saving an image as a GIF or PNG image. By executing the GetImagefileType or GetImagefileTypeMem method, the Interlace property value can be retrieved.

[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.File.Interlace[ = Boolean ]
[Visual C++]     [ Bool = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetFile().GetInterlace()
                      imagekitcontrolname.GetFile().SetInterlace(BOOL Val)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.File.Interlace[ = Boolean ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.File.Interlace[ = bool ]

Property Value

Value Explanation
True Interlace
False Non interlace (Default)


The Interlace property sets whether or not a PNG or GIF image is interlaced. The default value is False. Interlacing allows large images to be displayed gradually as the image is loading, as opposed to non-interlaced images that are displayed only after all the image data has been loaded.

This property should be set whenever an image is saved as a PNG or GIF image. To retrieve the value of the Interlace property, you must first execute the GetImagefileType or GetImagefileTypeMem method.

Setting this value

  This value can be set at run-time.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation