This property sets the file type initially displayed by the OpenFileDlg and SaveFileDlg methods

[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.File.FileExt[ = String ]
[Visual C++]     [ CString = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetFile().GetFileExt()
                 imagekitcontrolname.GetFile().SetFileExt(LPCTSTR Val)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.File.FileExt[ = String ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.File.FileExt[ = string ]

Property Value

The FileExt is the file type (i.e. jpg, bmp)


The FileExt property sets the file type initially displayed by the OpenFileDlg and SaveFileDlg methods.

When you execute the OpenFileDlg and SaveFileDlg methods, the "Open" dialog box and "Save" dialog box will be displayed. The FileExt property sets which file extentions will be listed in the "Files of type" drop down menu at the bottom of the dialog box.

By default the "Open" dialog box and the "Save" dialog box display all file types in a given folder. They also display the term "All Files" along with all image file extentions supported by the ImageKit in the "Files of type" drop down menu at the bottom of the dialog box. By setting the FileExt property, you can determine which file extentions will be listed in the "Files of type" drop down menu and thereby influence the types of files that will be displayed in the "Open" dialog box and "Save" dialog box.

When setting more than one file type in the FileExt property, use a semicolon as the delimiter. To remove the term "All Files" and also limit the display of file types, use an asteriks. To set a particular file extention to be displayed as the default value, surround it in <> like this "<JPEG>". (See example below)



    1. To display all file types and list the terms "ALL FILES", "BMP", "JPG", "PNG" in the "Files of type" drop down menu, set the FileExt property to

         ImageKit1.File.FileExt = "BMP;JPG;PNG;"

    2. To allow only "BMP", "JPG", "PNG" file types to be displayed and to list only those three terms in the "Files of type" drop down menu with "JPG" being displayed as the default value, set the FileExt property to

         ImageKit1.File.FileExt = "*;BMP;<JPEG>;PNG;"

Setting this value

  This value can be set at run-time.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation