Custom Methods Explanation
CMYKBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate CMYK planes
CMYKBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate CMYK planes. The saved images are in BMP format
FileLoadAsRawData Loads raw image data from a file
FileSaveAsRawData Saves raw image data to a file
FTPConnect Connects to the FTP server
FTPDeleteFile Deletes an existing file from the FTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
FTPDeleteFileEx Deletes an existing file from the FTP server
FTPDisconnect Disconnects from the FTP server
FTPGetFile Retrieves a file from the FTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
FTPGetFileEx Retrieves a file from the FTP server
FTPPutFile Transfers a file to the FTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
FTPPutFileEx Transfers a file to the FTP server
FTPRenameFile Renames an existing file on the FTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
FTPRenameFileEx Renames an existing file on the FTP server
GetImageFileType Retrieves various information aobut the image file
GetImageFileTypeMem Retrieves various information from raw image data
HTTPConnect Connects to the HTTP(S) server
HTTPDisconnect Disconnects from the HTTP(S) server
HTTPGetFile Retrieves a file from the HTTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
HTTPGetFileEx Retrieves a file from the HTTP server
HTTPPutFile Transfers a file to the HTTP server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
HTTPPutFileEx Transfers a file to the HTTP server
HTTPSGetFile Retrieves a file from the HTTPS server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
HTTPSPutFile Transfers a file to the HTTPS server. (Includes connecting to and disconnecting from server)
LoadFile Loads image data from a file
LoadFileMem Loads DIB image data from raw data
LoadFromStream Loads image data from a stream
OpenFileDialog Opens the "Open" file dialog box
RGBBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate RGB planes
RGBBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate RGB planes. The saved images are in BMP format
SaveFile Saves image data to file
SaveFileDialog Opens the "Save" file dialog box
SaveFileMem Saves image data as raw data
SaveToStream Saves image data to a stream
YCCBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate YCrCb planes
YCCBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate YCrCb planes. The saved images are in BMP format


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation