This event is generated when an object on the image editing toolbar (either Raster or Vector) is selected.
[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname_SelEditObj(ByVal SelObject As SelEditObjConstants)
[Visual C++]     OnSelEditObjimagekitcontrolname(long SelObject)
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname_SelEditObj(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxImageKit10(A)Lib._IImageKitEvents_SelEditObjEvent)
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname_SelEditObj(object sender, AxImageKit10(A)Lib._IImageKitEvents_SelEditObjEvent e)

AxImageKit10ALib refers to the ANSI version, AXImageKit10Lib refers to the Unicode version.


Name Explanation
SelObject Retuns the type of object selected.

0: Frame

1: Fill

2: Filled Frame

3: Pen1

4: Pen2

5: Pen3

6: Pen4

7: Pen5

8: ForeColor

9: BackColor

10: Text (Transparent Backcolor)

11: Text (Opaque Backcolor)

12: Square

13: Quadrangle

14: Circle

15: Oval

16: AirBrush1

17: AirBrush2

18: AirBrush3

19: AirBrush4

20: AirBrush5

21: Eraser1

22: Eraser2

23: Eraser3

24: Eraser4

25: Eraser5

26: Blur

27: Sharpness

Raster Image Toolbar (Vector Image Toolbar also supported)

* The second parameter in VB.NET/C#.NET is e and it contains the SelObject argument. (the first letter is lower case)

It's also possible to use the following constants (ikFrame = 0, ikFill = 1, ikFillFrame = 2, ikPen1 = 3, ikPen2 = 4, ikPen3 = 5, ikPen4 = 6, ikPen5 = 7, ikForeColor = 8, ikBackColor = 9, ikTransparent = 10, ikOpaque = 11, ikSquare = 12, ikQuadrangle = 13, ikCircle = 14, ikOval = 15, ikAirBrush1 = 16, ikAirBrush2 = 17, ikAirBrush3 = 18, ikAirBrush4 = 19, ikAirBrush5 = 20, ikEraser1 = 21, ikEraser2 = 22, ikEraser3 = 23, ikEraser4 = 24, ikEraser5 = 25, ikBlur = 26, ikSharpness = 27).


The SelEditObj event is generated when an object on the image editing toolbar (either Raster or Vector) is selected. The image editing toolbar is displayed by executing the ShowToolBar method of the Edit property.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation