This property retrieves the editing status of an image.
[Visual Basic]   imagekitcontrolname.Edit.EditStatus[ = Boolean ]
[Visual C++]     [ BOOL = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetEdit().GetEditStatus()
[VB.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.Edit.EditStatus[ = Boolean ]
[C#.NET]   imagekitcontrolname.Edit.EditStatus[ = bool ]

Property Value

The editing status of an image

Value Explanation
True The image has been edited
False The image has not been edited


The EditStatus property retrieves the editing status of an image. When true, please execute the Modify method to save the changes to the image data.

This property can also be checked when an application is closed to determine whether or not to save editing changes.

The EditStatus property corresponds to the Display Control's Edit.RasterEditStatus and Edit.VectorEditStatus properties in earlier versions of the ImageKit.

Setting this value

  This value cannot be set.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation