Options For DdScm.exe, DdScm32.exe, DdScm64.exe

The following options allow you to install, delete, and automatically update the ProtectKit system driver. When executing DdScm.exe, the DdScm32.exe and/or the DdScm64.exe must be in the

1. /i Option: (DdScm.exe /i, DdScm32.exe /i, DdScm64.exe /i)

This option installs ProtectKit system driver. If ProtectKit system driver is already installed, then the "register count" is increased by 1.

2. /r Option: (DdScm.exe /r, DdScm32.exe /r, DdScm64.exe /r)

This option removes the ProtectKit system driver. If the ProtectKit system driver is already installed, then the "register count" is decreased by 1.

3. /u Option: (DdScm.exe /u, DdScm32.exe /u, DdScm64.exe /u)

This option updates the ProtectKit system driver. If the ProtectKit system driver is already installed, then the "register count" does not change.
This option is recommended when there is an updated release for DdScm32(64).exe or an updated release for the protected application.

4. /m Option: (used in conjuction with options 1 through 3.)

This option is used together with the above options 1 through 3. When this command is added to another option, a message box is displayed stating if the option was successful or not.

Regarding the "register count" mentioned for each option. The register count is useful when you have multiple protected applications running at the same time on one PC. The register tells you how many applications are currently using the ProtectKit system driver. When the /r option is executed and the register count reaches 0, the ProtectKit system driver will be uninstalled.