About This Help File

The ProtectKit3.5 is a software developer toolkit that provides functions for protecting your applications from theft and unauthorized copying.

The ProtectKit3.5 Help file combines explanations for the ProtectKit3, which supports Win32(64) applications, with explanations for the ProtectKit.NET, which supports .NET applications. Though similiar, there are some important differences between  the functionality of the ProtectKit3 and the ProtectKit.NET. To clarify which environment is being explained, we have color coded the banner at the top of each help page.

Help Page Banner Color

When help pages relate to the ProtectKit3.5 in general or relate to both the ProtectKit3 and the ProtectKit.NET, the color of the banner at the top of that help page will be teal. The banner will say "ProtectKit3.5".


ProtectKit3.5 Banner Color: Teal


When help pages relate to the ProtectKit3 functionality, the color of the banner at the top of that help page will be green. The banner will say "ProtectKit3".


ProtectKit3 Banner Color: Green


When help pages relate to the ProtectKit.NET functionality, the color of the banner at the top of that help page will be blue. The banner will say "ProtectKit.NET".


ProtectKit.NET Banner Color: Blue