ToolBarSetUpObjects Overview

Public Constructor

 ToolBarSetUpObjects Constructor Creates a new instance of the ToolBarSetUpObjects class

Public Properties

 BaseImageKitAspectRatio Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.AspectRatio property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitBorder Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.Border property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitBorderColor Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.BorderColor property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitBorderColorOpacity Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.BorderColorOpacity property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitBorderShape Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.BorderShape property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontBold Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontBold property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontItalic Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontItalic property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontName Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontName property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontSize Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontSize property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontStrikeout Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontStrikeout property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitFontUnderline Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.FontUnderline property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitRightToLeft Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.RightToLeft property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitRoundRectangleRadius Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.RoundRectangleRadius property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitTextAlign Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.TextAlign property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitVerticalText Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.VerticalText property of the ImageKit control.
 BaseImageKitWordWrap Sets or retrieves the value of the Edit.WordWrap property of the ImageKit control.
 BoxBorderColorOpacityVisible Sets whether or not the items related to BorderColorOpacity are displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 BoxBorderShapeVisible Sets whether or not the items related to BorderShape are displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 BoxRoundRectangleRadiusVisible Sets whether or not the items related to RoundRectangleRadius are displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 BoxTextAlignVisible sets whether or not the items related to "text alignment" are displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonAspectRatio Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "Aspect Ratio" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonAspectRatioVisible Sets whether or not the "Aspect Ratio" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorder Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "Border" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorderColor Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "BorderColor" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorderColorOpacityDown Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "BorderColorOpacityDown" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorderColorOpacityUp Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "BorderColorOpacityUp" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorderColorVisible Sets whether or not the "BorderColor" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonBorderVisible Sets whether or not the "Border" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonFont Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "Font" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonFontVisible Sets whether or not the "Font" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonRightToLeft Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "RightToLeft" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonRightToLeftVisible Sets whether or not the "RightToLeft" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonRoundRectangleRadiusDown Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "RoundRectangleRadiusDown" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonRoundRectangleRadiusUp Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "RoundRectangleRadiusUp" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonSize Sets the size of the buttons displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonVerticalText Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "VerticalText" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonVerticalTextVisible Sets whether or not the "VerticalText" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonWordWrap Sets or retrieves the ToolStripButton control displaying the "WordWrap" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ButtonWordWrapVisible Sets whether or not the "WordWrap" button is displayed on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ComboBoxBorderShape Sets or retrieves the ToolStripComboBox control displaying the "BorderShape" item of the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 ComboBoxTextAlign Sets or retrieves the ToolStripComboBox control displaying the "Text Alignment" items of the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 GroupTextVisible Sets whether or not the group of "Text" related comboboxes, buttons, and labels is displayed
 LabelBorderColorOpacity Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "BorderColorOpacity" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 LabelBorderColorOpacityUnit Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "BorderColorOpacityUnit" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 LabelBorderShape Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "BorderShape" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 LabelRoundRectangleRadius Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "RoundRectangleRadius" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 LabelRoundRectangleRadiusUnit Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "RoundRectangleRadiusUnit" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 LabelTextAlign Sets or retrieves the ToolStripLabel control displaying the "TextAlign" label on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 MaxRoundRectangleRadius Sets the maximum value for the "RoundRectangleRadius".
 Separator1Visible Sets whether or not Separator1 is displayed in the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 Separator2Visible Sets whether or not Separator2 is displayed in the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 Separator3Visible Sets whether or not Separator3 is displayed in the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 Separator4Visible Sets whether or not Separator4 is displayed in the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 SettingsForEachImageKit Determines if the ToolBarSetupObjects control's settings apply to each ImageKit Control according to the TargetImageKit property value, or if the ToolBarSetupObjects control's settings apply to all ImageKit Controls
 TargetImageKit Sets which ImageKit control is targeted by the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 TextBoxBorderColorOpacity Sets or retrieves the ToolStripTextBox control displaying the "BorderColorOpacity" item on the ToolBarSetupObjects control
 TextBoxRoundRectangleRadius Sets or retrieves the ToolStripTextBox control displaying the "RoundRectangleRadius" textbox on the ToolBarSetupObjects control

Public Events

 TargetImageKitChanged Generated whenever the TargetImageKit property changes

See Also



The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation