The main class for the WinForm ToolBarSetUpLines Control.

For a list of all members of this class, see ToolBarSetUpLines Members.


public class ToolBarSetUpLines : System.Windows.Forms.Control


The ToolBarSetupLines control is a toolbar that holds buttons and other items related to lines. Annotation objects that use these functions are the Line, Polyline, Polygon, and Pen objects. The ToolBarSetupLines control gives you an easy, user friendly way of accessing and setting properties related to lines.


The ToolBarSetupLines control looks like this:


The ToolBarSetupLines control contains the following items:

Items related to shape and style of Lines

Item Explanation
DoubleLine Button DoubleLine Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.DoubleLine property. DoubleLine is enabled only for the Line object.
ClosePenLine Button ClosePenLine Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.ClosePenLine property. ClosePenLine is enabled only for the Pen object.
DashStyle ComboBox DashStyle ComboBox This combobox sets the ImageKit.Edit.DashStyle property.
StartLineCap ComboBox StartLineCap ComboBox This combobox sets the ImageKit.Edit.StartLineCap property. StartLineCap is enabled for the Line, Polyline, and Pen objects.
EndLineCap ComboBox EndLineCap ComboBox This combobox sets the ImageKit.Edit.EndLineCap property. EndLineCap is enabled for the Line, Polyline, and Pen objects.
LineJoin ComboBox LineJoin ComboBox This combobox sets the ImageKit.Edit.LineJoin property. LineJoin is enabled for the Polyline, Polygon, and Pen objects.


Items related to arrows (Line and Polyline objects only)

Item Explanation
StartArrowCap Button StartArrowCap Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.StartArrowCap property.
StartArrowCapFilled Button StartArrowCapFilled Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.StartArrowCapFilled property.
StartArrowCapSize Box/Button StartArrowCapSize Box/Button This is a textbox / button combination sets the ImageKit.Edit.StartArrowCapSize property.
EndArrowCap Button EndArrowCap Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.EndArrowCap property.
EndArrowCapFilled Button EndArrowCapFilled Button This button sets the ImageKit.Edit.EndArrowCapFilled property.
EndArrowCapSize Box/Button EndArrowCapSize Box/Button This is a textbox / button combination sets the ImageKit.Edit.EndArrowCapSize property.


Namespace: Newtone.ImageKit.Win

Assembly: Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit.dll

See Also

ToolBarSetupLines Members


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation