This property sets how images are loaded and displayed in the Thumbnail Control.

[Visual Basic] Public Property LoadMode As ThumbnailLoadMode
[C#] public ThumbnailLoadMode LoadMode {get; set;}

Property Value

This value is of type ThumbnailLoadMode


The LoadMode property sets how images are loaded and displayed in the Thumbnail Control. When the LoadMode property is set to LoadFile or LoadMulti , the GetFiles method loads the appropriate file from the folder set in the FilePath property or the ListOfFileNames property into the memory. The Display method displays the file on the control.

When the LoadMode property is set to LoadFileDisplay or LoadMultiDisplay, by executing the Display method, the appropriate files from folders set in the FilePath property or the ListOfFileNames property are displayed on the control while they are being loaded.

* Multi-image is only for GIF and TIFF.

When the LoadMode property is set to "LoadImageProperty", by executing the Display method, the image set in the Image property is displayed on the control. In order to display multiple images at once, please set the ClearOnLoad property to False and set each memory handle to the Image property.

See Also

Thumbnail Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.Thumbnail


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation