This property sets whether Tiff images, saved in 1 bit color, will be saved in white-mode monochrome or black-mode monochrome

[Visual Basic] Public Property MinIsBlack As Boolean
[C#] public bool MinIsBlack {get; set;}

Property Value

Value Explanation
True (default) Tiff images saved in 1 bit color will be white-mode monochrome (0 = black)
False Tiff images saved in 1 bit color will be black-mode monochrome (0 = white)


The MinIsBlack property sets whether Tiff images, saved in 1 bit color, will be saved in white-mode monochrome or black-mode monochrome. When this property is True, the PhotometricInterpretation tag value is 1, which means that black=0 and the image is "white-mode" monochrome. When this property is False, the PhotometricInterpretation tag value is 0, which means that white=0 and the image is "black-mode" monochrome.

See Also

ImageKit.File Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation