The class for the Webform ImageKit Control.

For a list of all members of this type, see ImageKit Members.


public class ImageKit : Object


The ImageKit Control is a web server control that displays images in a web browser. Images can be displayed in the ImageKit Control in actual size, scale, or stretch display modes. Images displayed in actual size can be scrolled within the ImageKit Control. Images can be streamed directly to the browser without being saved on the server or they can be saved in a temporary cache on the server and referenced by the ImageKit Control. By default, the images are streamed directly to the browser. To stream images to the browser, an HttpHandler is needed.  

HttpHandler: You can add an HttpHandler to your application's web.config file or you can add an HttpHandler to your project as a seperate file.

To add the HttpHandler to your web.config file, add the command(s) below to your web.config file.

For VS2005, VS2008, VS2010

         <add verb="*" path="IkStream.ashx" type="Newtone.ImageKit.Web.IkStream" />


For VS2012, VS2013

         <add verb="*" path="IkStream.ashx" name="IkStream" type="Newtone.ImageKit.Web.IkStream" />

The other way to add an HttpHandler to your web application is to use a file called IkStream.ashx.

Simply copy this file to the same directory as your application. IkStream.ashx is an HttpHandler that allows images to be streamed via the assembly's IkStream Class.

The ImageKit Control can load a variety of image formats. To load images, set the virtual path to the image into the Url property and execute the Load method. The ImageKit Control's BrowserImageFormat property sets the image format that will be used to display the image in the browser, either Jpeg, Png or Gif.

Tiff, Bmp, Fxp, and other raster images, as well as Emf, Wmf, Dxf, and Svg vector images will be displayed in the browser in the format specified by the BrowserImageFormat property.


Namespace : Newtone.ImageKit.Web

Assembly : Newtone.ImageKit.Web.ImageKit.dll

See Also

ImageKit Members

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation