This method converts the image data from a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) to a Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB)

[C++Builder]   [ HBITMAP = ]imagekitcontrolname->BitmapFromDib(unsigned ImageHandle)
[C++Builder]   [ HBITMAP = ]imagekitcontrolname->BitmapFromDib()
[Delphi]   [ HBITMAP = ]imagekitcontrolname.BitmapFromDib(ImageHandle: THandle)
[Delphi]   [ HBITMAP = ]imagekitcontrolname.BitmapFromDib


Name Explanation
ImageHandle The image handle of the raster image

Return Value

Returns the Bitmap handle if successful, otherwise returns 0 or null.


The BitmapFromDib method converts the image data from a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) to a Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB). This method only works with raster images and cannot be used with vector images.

When the ImageHandle parameter contains a valid image handle
The image data that the ImageHandle parameter refers to will be processed.

When the ImageHandle parameter contains 0
The image data determined by the LayerNo property will be processed. If the LayerNo property is -1 (the base image) then the image data referred to by the ImageHandle property will be processed. If the value of the LayerNo property is between 0 and 99 then the image data referred to by the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property will be processed.

Example Code

In C++Builder:
     //set raster image in TBitmap
     VImageKit1->BarkgroundImageVectorWidth = 640;
     VImageKit1->LayerNo = -1;
     if (VImageKit1->ImageHandle == 0) return;
     if (VImageKit1->ImageKind != vikRasterImage) return;

     Graphics::TBitmap *bm = new Graphics::TBitmap();
          bm->Handle = VImageKit1->BitmapFromDib();
          // Do some image processing here
          delete bm;

In Delphi:
     { set raster image in TBitmap }
          Bitmap1: TBitmap;
          VImageKit1.LayerNo := -1;
          if VImageKit1.ImageHandle = 0 then Exit;
          if VImageKit1.ImageKind <> vikRasterImage then Exit;

          Bitmap1 := TBitmap.Create;
               Bitmap1.Handle := VImageKit1.BitmapFromDib;
               {Do some image processing here}


The ImageKit9 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation