This function selects the scan device

[Delphi]   function IKScanSelect(AppHandle: THandle; var SelectDS: IKSCAN_DATASOURCEINFO): LongBool;


Name Explanation
AppHandle The application handle retrieved by IKScanInitialize
SelectDS A structure whose member variables retrieve the scan datasource information

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful. Returns False (0) if unsuccessful.


The IKScanSelect function selects the scan device. When this function is executed, the installed TWAIN drivers are listed in a dialog box and can be selected. If successful, information about the scan device is set in the SelectDS. For details about IKSCAN_DATASOURCEINFO structure, please refer to the definition of the structure in the Ik10Scan.dll, Ik10ScanA.dll, Ik10Scan64.dll, Ik10Scan64A.dll section.

[Differences from the ImageKit5]

Function Name        Parameters
IK5ScanSelect:          hWnd
IKScanSelect:           AppHandle, SelectDS

Since the ImageKit6, the hWnd is passed by IKScanInitialize and the return value is used by AppHandle


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation