This function lists the scan devices

[C++Builder]   BOOL IKScanList(HANDLE AppHandle, LPSTR List, short *SourceCount);
[Delphi]   function IKScanList(AppHandle: THandle; List: PAnsiChar; var SourceCount: Smallint): LongBool;


Name Explanation
AppHandle The application handle retrieved by IKScanInitialize
List A parameter the contains the retrieved scan device list
SourceCount The retrieved number of installed scan devices

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) when successful, returns False (0) when not successful.


The IKScanList function lists the installed scan devices.
* Please make sure that List does not exceed the size

In C++Builder
char List[1024];

In Delphi
List: array[0..1023] of Char;

If the return value is True (nonzero), then the List string will have the following syntax, "current device,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,...,". If no datasource is selected and the current device then the List string will start with a comma "," (Note the List string ends with a comma ",").

The SourceCount is the number of items in the List string minus the current device.

[Differences from the ImageKit5]

Function Name      Parameters
IK5ScanList:            hWnd, List
IKScanList:             AppHandle, List, SourceCount

Since the ImageKit6, the hWnd is passed by IKScanInitialize and the return value is used by AppHandle


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation