This function retrieves a list of supported resolutions for the printer designated by the printer name.

[C++Builder]     int IKEnumResolutions(LPCTSTR PrinterName, LPPOINT Resolutions);
[Delphi]         function IKEnumResolutions(PrinterName: PChar; var Resolutions: TPoint): Integer;


Name Explanation
PrinterName The printer name

An array containing the list of retrieved resolutions

Setting NULL (in C++Builder), nil (in Delphi), the number of elements required in the array will be returned.

   (1)In C++Builder, pass the pointer to the first element of the array

   (2)In Delphi, for example, Res: array [0..2] of Word then set Res[0]

Return Value

Returns the number of retrieved items. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.


The IKEnumResolutions function retrieves a list of supported resolutions for the printer designated by the printer name. By setting NULL (in C++Builder) or nil (in Delphi), the required number or elements for the array will be returned. If you need to know the number of elements in the array, the IKPrintGetArrayNum function can be used to retrieve this. The Resolutions parameter contains the retrieved (horizontal and vertical) resolution values in units of dots per inch (dpi)

Sample code:

In C++Builder

    int Size;
    LPPOINT Resolutions;

    Size = IKEnumResolutions("EPSON LP-8200C", NULL);
    if (Size < 1) return;
    Resolutions = (LPPOINT)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(POINT) * Size);
    __try {
        IKEnumResolutions("EPSON LP-8200C", Resolutions);
        // various programming code
    } __finally {
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Resolutions);

In Delphi

    Size: Integer;
    Resolutions: array of TPoint;

    Size := IKEnumResolutions('EPSON LP-8200C', PPoint(nil)^);
    if Size < 1 then Exit;
    SetLength(Resolutions, Size);
    IKEnumResolutions('EPSON LP-8200C', Resolutions[0]);  
       // various programming code


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation