This function retrieves the RGB values and palette number of the specified pixel in the Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).

[C++Builder]   BOOL IKGetDibPixel(PTR_IKDIB_INFO stpDibInfo, long lx, long ly);
[Delphi]   function IKGetDibPixel(var stpDibInfo: IKDIB_INFO: lx, ly: Longint): LongBool;


Name Explanation
stpDibInfo A structure variable (user-defined type) as retrieved by the IKStartDibAccess function
lx, ly The x,y coordinates of the specified pixel

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful. Returns False (0) if unsuccessful.


The IKGetDibPixel function retrieves the RGB values and palette number of the specified pixel in the Device Independent Bitmap (DIB). If successful, for 1, 4, and 8 bit images the Pal is set in the stpDibInfo parameter; for 16, 24, or 32 bit images the Red, Green, and Blue values are set in the stpDibInfo parameter. 

For more information about IKDIB_INFO, please refer to the explanation of the IKDIB_INFO member variables at the beginning of the Ik10Effect.dll, Ik10EffectA.dll, Ik10Effect64.dll, Ik10Effect64A.dll section.

To access the DIB and manipulate pixel data, you must use the following functions as a group.

      IKGetDibPixel, IKSetDibPixel

Sample Code

The following code starts access to the DIB, then loops through each pixel in the image, using the IKGetDibPixel function to retrieve the pixels' rgb values. Then those values are reversed and set using the IKSetDibPixel function.

In Delphi

   Handle: THandle;

   ImageInfo: IKIMAGE_INFO;

   DibInfo: IKDIB_INFO;

   Ret: LongBool;

   i, j: Integer;

   Handle := IKFileLoad('newtone.bmp', 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil);

   if Handle = 0 then Exit;

   Ret := IKGetImageType(Handle, ImageInfo);

   Ret := IKStartDibAccess(Handle, DibInfo);

   for i := 0 to ImageInfo.Height - 1 do


      for j := 0 to ImageInfo.Width - 1 do


         Ret := IKGetDibPixel(DibInfo, j, i);

         if ImageInfo.BitCount = 1 then


            if DibInfo.PalNo <> 0 then

               DibInfo.PalNo := 0


               DibInfo.PalNo := 1;


         else if ImageInfo.BitCount > 8 then


            DibInfo.Blue := 255 - DibInfo.Blue;

            DibInfo.Green := 255 - DibInfo.Green;

            DibInfo.Red := 255 - DibInfo.Red;


         Ret := IKSetDibPixel(DibInfo, j, i);



   Ret := IKEndDibAccess(Handle, DibInfo);

   Ret := IKBmpFileSave('newtone.bmp', Handle, False, 0, nil, nil, nil);



The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation