This function sets the palette information for a raster image.

[C++Builder]     BOOL IKSetPalette(HANDLE Handle, short *Red, short *Green, short *Blue);
[Delphi]         function IKSetPalette(Handle: THandle; var Red, Green, Blue: Smallint): LongBool;


Name Explanation
Handle The raster image handle
Red Array of the retrieved red palette information
Green Array of the retrieved green palette information
Blue Array of the retrieved blue palette information

(1) C++Builder assigns the first pointer of the array
(2) Delphi the style of the argument is Red[0]

Return Value

Returns True if successful, returns False if not successful


The IKSetPalette function sets the palette information for a raster image. The number of colors that can be set must be the same as the number of colors of the image. The various RGB number arrays taken from the palette information become the value in the PalCount member variable of IKIMAGE_INFO. To retrieve the PalCount, please refer to the IKGetImageType function. Regarding IKIMAGE_INFO, please refer to the explanation for the IKIMAGE_INFO member variables in the Ik10Com.dll, Ik10ComA.dll, Ik10Com64.dll, Ik10Com64A.dll.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation