This property sets the color for the border of the Thumbnail Control.

[C++Builder]   thumbcontrolname->BorderColor [ = TColor ]
[Delphi]   thumbcontrolname.BorderColor [ = TColor ]

Property Value

BorderColor is the color for the border of the Thumbnail Control.


The BorderColor property sets the color for the border of the Thumbnail Control. To set color, please use a color constant (like clRed) or the appropriate RGB(Red, Green, Blue) value. The BorderColor property is enable when the Appearance property is 0(ikFlat) and the BorderVisible property is True.

For more information about the TColor type, please refer to the Delphi or C++Builder help documentation.

Setting this value

This value can be set at design-time and run-time.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation