This method starts the video.

[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]recordcontrolname.Start(Mode: TVIkVideoDisplayMode)

[TVIkVideoDisplayMode Type]


     TVIkVideoDisplayMode = (vikVideoScale = 0, vikVideoStretch = 1);


Name Explanation
Mode The display mode
vikVideoScale: Scale (The video is scaled to fit within the Record Control while keeping the video's original height to width ratio)
vikVideoStretch: Stretch (The video is stretched to fill the Record Control's dimensions)

Return Value

Returns True if successful, returns False when not successful.


The Start method starts the video. The Mode parameter determines how the video will be displayed in the Record Control.

When the Start method returns True, the State property is updated. If the return value is False, then values of 2 or 11 will be set in the ErrorStatus property.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation