The Play Control provides properties, methods, and events to open a video file and display the output. Play can be started, stopped, paused, resumed, and a snapshot can be taken.
* This control is a Delphi control. It cannot be used in C+Builder.



Property List


Custom Properties Explanation
Appearance Sets the appearance of the Play Control's border
BorderColor Sets the color of Play Control's the border.
BorderVisible Sets whether or not the border of the Play Control is displayed
Color Sets the background color for the Play Control
Cursor Sets the shape of the mouse cursor when the mouse is within the Play Control
Duration Retrieves the duration of the video in seconds
Enabled Sets whether or not the mouse and keyboard events of the Play Control are enabled
ErrorStatus Retrieves the type of error that has occurred
FrameRate Retrieves the frame rate
Handle Refers to the window handle of the Play Control
State Retrieves the current state of the Play Control
VideoSize Retrieves the height and width of the video


Differences from ImageKit10 ActiveX

Properties that have been deleted: MouseCursorFile

Properties that have been changed:
BackColor --> Color
HWND --> Handle
MouseCursorType --> Cursor
VideoHeight,VideoWidth --> VideoSize


Method List


Custom Method Explanation
Close Closes the video file
Open Opens the video file
Pause Pauses the video or restarts a paused video
Start Starts the video
StartFrom Sets the starting location of the video
Stop Stops the video
TakeSnapshot Takes a snapshot from the video


Event List


Custom Event Explanation
End Generated when the video plays to the end
Snapshot Generated when a snapshot is taken from the video


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation