This method converts a raster image to a vector image.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->Vector->RasterToVector(bool BlackOnWhite, short Tolerance, int TimeOutSeconds)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.Vector.RasterToVector(BlackOnWhite: Boolean; Tolerance: Smallint; TimeOutSeconds: Integer)


Name Explanation
BlackOnWhite False: White characters on a black background, True: Black characters on a white background
Tolerance From 0 (high sensitivity) to 10 (low sensitivity)
TimeOutSeconds The number of seconds before the process is canceled

Return Value

Returns True if successful, returns False when not successful.


The RasterToVector method converts a raster image to a vector image. Supports black and white (1 bit) images. The raster image to be processed is set in the ImageHandle property or the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property (Depending on the value of the LayerNo property).

If successful the input raster image handle is freed from the memory and the new vector image handle is set into the ImageHandle property or the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property (Depending on the value of the LayerNo property). If the time to process exceeds the value set in the TimeOutSeconds parameter, the process will be canceled.

When the Caption, Message, and ButtonName properties are blank, the progress dialog will not be displayed. When the progress dialog is displayed, the percentage that the processing has completed will be shown in the dialog


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation