This method loads the TWAIN DLL.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->Scan->LoadTwain(const UnicodeString FileName)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.Scan.LoadTwain(const FileName: string)


Name Explanation
FileName The filename (full path) to the TWAIN DLL

Return Value

Returns True when successful, returns False when not successful.


The LoadTwain method loads the TWAIN DLL. When using the 32 bit package and also using the twain_32.dll (found in Windows folder) or when using the 64 bit package and using the TWAINDSM.dll (found in Windows\System32 folder), it is not necessary to execute this method. The ImageKit will automatically load these dlls internally.

When using the 32 bit package with the 32 bit TWAINDSM.dll, please execute this method.

Before executing LoadTwain, be sure to execute the Initialize method.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation