This property sets the name of the file displayed as the background image in the ImageKit Control

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->BackgroundImageFile[= UnicodeString ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.BackgroundImageFile[= string ]

Property Value

The name of the file that is displayed as the background image in the ImageKit Control.


The BackgroundImageFile property sets the name of the file displayed as the background image in the ImageKit Control. This property is enabled with the Transparent property is True.

Rules for using a background image:

The background image will be displayed under a base image
If the background image is larger than the base image, the background image will be resized to the dimensions of the base image.

Example Code

In C++Builder:
//set the background image
VImageKit1->BackgroundImageFile = "C:\\BackImage.bmp";
//set the transparent color in the base image to white
VImageKit1->TransBlue = 255;
VImageKit1->TransGreen = 255;
VImageKit1->TransRed = 255;
VImageKit1->Transparent = true;

In Delphi:
//set the background image
VImageKit1.BackgroundImageFile := 'C:\BackImage.bmp';
//set the transparent color in the base image to white
VImageKit1.TransBlue := 255;
VImageKit1.TransGreen := 255;
VImageKit1.TransRed := 255
VImageKit1.Transparent := True;

Setting this value

This value can be set at run-time.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation