This method displays the image in the device context. (the screen or the printer).

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->PrintDraw->ImageOut(HDC DC, NativeUInt AHandle, int ALeft, int ATop, int ARight, int ABottom, bool Aspect, bool DXFBlack, TVIkDeviceUnitMode UnitMode)
[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->PrintDraw->ImageOut(HDC DC, NativeUInt AHandle, const TRect &ARect, bool Aspect, bool DXFBlack, TVIkDeviceUnitMode UnitMode)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.ImageOut(DC: HDC; AHandle: THandle; ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; ARight: Integer; ABottom: Integer; Aspect: Boolean; DXFBlack: Boolean; UnitMode: TVIkDeviceUnitMode)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.ImageOut(DC: HDC; AHandle: THandle; const ARect: TRect; Aspect: Boolean; DXFBlack: Boolean; UnitMode: TVIkDeviceUnitMode)

[TVIkDeviceUnitMode Type]


     TVIkDeviceUnitMode = (vikPrinterPixel, vikPrinterMM);


Name Explanation
DC The device context
AHandle The image handle of the raster or vector image
ALeft, ATop The x,y coordinates of the top left corner of the rectangle in which the image is drawn
ARight, ABottom The x,y coordinates of the bottom right corner of the rectangle in which the image is drawn
ARect The x, y coordinates of the rectangle
Aspect Maintains the height to width ratio [True: Ratio maintained, False: Ratio not maintained]
DXFBlack In DXF images only, this sets black to white and white to black. [True: Black and white are exchanged, False: Black and white are not exchanged]
UnitMode If vikPrinterPixel, then the output will be drawn in pixel units. If vikPrinterMM, the output will be drawn in 0.1mm units.

Use either ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom or ARect.

Return Value

Returns True if successful. Returns False if unsuccessful. Returns False if the cancel button is clicked in the "Print" dialog box.


The ImageOut method displays the image in the device context. (the screen or the printer). The ALeft, ATop, ARight, and ABottom parameters determine the location of the rectangle in which the image is displayed. If the image does not fit within the specified rectangle, it will be scaled to fit. If the Aspect parameter is False, the image will be displayed within the specified rectangle as it is, i.e. the height to width ratio will not be maintained. If the Aspect parameter is True, the image will be displayed within the specified rectangle with the height to width ratio maintained.

If the UnitMode parameter is vikPrinterPixel then the left, top, right, bottom parameters will be in pixel units.

If the UnitMode parameter is vikPrinterMM then the left, top, right, bottom parameters will be in 0.1mm units.

Differences between the ImageKit7/8/9

In VCL the constants contain a "v". In ActiveX, the constants are: vikPrinterPixel, vikPrinterMM.
Methods that pass a TRect type have been added.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation