This method retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer designated by the printer name.

[C++Builder]   [ int = ]imagekitcontrolname->PrintDraw->EnumPaperSizes(UnicodeString * PaperNames, const int PaperNames_Size, Word * PaperNumbers, const int PaperNumbers_Size, TPoint * PaperSizes, const int PaperSizes_Sizet)
[Delphi]   [ Integer = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(var PaperNames: array of string; var PaperNumbers: array of Word; var PaperSizes: array of TPoint)


Name Explanation
PaperNames An array containing the retrieved paper names
In C++Builder, pass PaperNames count - 1 into PaperNames_Size
PaperNumbers An array containing the retrieved paper size numbers
In C++Builder, pass PaperNumbers count - 1 into PaperNumbers_Size
PaperSizes An array containing the paper size
In C++Builder, pass PaperSizes count - 1 into PaperSizes_Size

Return Value

Returns the number of retrieved items. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.


The EnumPaperSizes method retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer designated by the printer name. If you need to know the number of elements in the array, the GetArrayNum method can be used to retrieve this.

Sample code:

In C++Builder

int Size;
UnicodeString *PaperNames;
Word *PaperNumbers;
TPoint *PaperSizes;

VImageKit1->PrintDraw->PrinterName = "EPSON LP-8200C";
Size = VImageKit1->PrintDraw->GetArrayNum(vikPrinterPaperSize);
if (Size < 1) return;

PaperNames = new UnicodeString[Size];
PaperNumbers = new Word[Size];
PaperSizes = new TPoint[Size];
__try {
   VImageKit1->PrintDraw->EnumPaperSizes(PaperNames, Size - 1, PaperNumbers, Size - 1, PaperSizes, Size - 1);
   // do stuff here
} __finally {
   delete[] PaperNames;
   delete[] PaperNumbers;
   delete[] PaperSizes;

In Delphi

Size: Integer;
PaperNames: array of string;
PaperNumbers: array of Word;
PaperSizes: array of TPoint;

VImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterName := 'EPSON LP-8200C';
Size := VImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(vikPrinterPaperSize);
if Size < 1 then Exit;
SetLength(PaperNames, Size);
SetLength(PaperNumbers, Size);
SetLength(PaperSizes, Size);
VImageKit1->PrintDraw->EnumPaperSizes(PaperNames, PaperNumbers, PaperSizes);
// do stuff here

Differences between the ImageKit7/8/9/10

PaperNames has changed from a string type to a string array.
In C++Builder it is necessary to pass in the count of PaperNames, PaperNumbers, and PaperSizes parameters.

The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation