This method creates a new raster image

[C++Builder]   [ NativeUInt = ]imagekitcontrolname->CreateImage (int AWidth, int AHeight, short BitCount, short Red, short Green, short Blue)
[Delphi]   [ THandle = ]imagekitcontrolname.CreateImage (AWidth, AHeight: Integer; BitCount, Red, Green, Blue: Smallint)


Name Explanation
AWidth The width of the created image (in pixels)
AHeight The height of the created image (in pixels)
BitCount The bitcount of the created image (1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 80)

* 4 represents 4 bit color, 40 is for 4 bit grayscale, 8 is for 8 bit color, and 80 is for 8 bit grayscale

Red The red value of the color in the created image (from 0 to 255)
Green The green value of the color in the created image (from 0 to 255)
Blue The blue value of the color in the created image (from 0 to 255)

Return Value

Returns the raster image's image handle if successful. Otherwise returns 0


The CreateImage method creates a new raster image. Depending on the bit count of the created image, the RGB values set in the Red, Green, and Blue parameters may not be effective. In such cases, the nearest values will be assigned. (For images with bit counts higher than 24, the RGB values are effective as they are.)


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation