This property refers to the bit count of the image. Retrieved after executing the GetImagefileType or GetImagefileTypeMem methods.

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->FileIO->FileBitCount [= short ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.FileIO.FileBitCount [= Smallint ]

Property Value

The FileBitCount property refers to the number of bits per pixel in the image. (1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32). See below


The FileBitCount property shows the number of colors in the image.

1:2 colors (i.e.Black and White)               4:16 colors                    8:256 colors
16:16 bit color                                     24:24 bit color                32:32 bit color

This property value can be retrieved by executing the GetImagefileType or GetImagefileTypeMem methods.

When using vector image formats the following properties are disabled; FileBitCount, FileImageSize, FileMaxPage, and FileWidthByte.

Setting this value

This value cannot be set.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation