This property sets the owner password for the PDF document.

[C++ Builder]    imagekitcontrolname->FileIO->PDF->OwnerPassword[=UnicodeString]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.FileIO.PDF.OwnerPassword [ = string ]


The PDF document's owner passoword
Default value is an empty string.


The OwnerPassword property sets the owner password for the PDF document. This is the password that sets permissions for the PDF document (see properties like EnableCopy and EnablePrint, etc).

The default value is an empty string. The OwnerPassword property is referenced when the Start method is executed, so set an appropriate value before executing the Start method.

When setting the owner password and user password, set a value different from the UserPassword property for this property.

Setting this value

  This value can be set at runtime.

Retrieving this value

  This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation