This method transfers a file to the HTTP(S) server.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->FileIO->HTTPPutFileEx(const UnicodeString RemoteFilePath, int TransPercent)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.FileIO.HTTPPutFileEx(const RemoteFilePath: string; TransPercent: Integer)


Name Explanation
RemoteFilePath The destination on the HTTP(S) server where the file is to be saved. Includes path and file name
TransPercent The percentage of the file that is tranferred before the ImageKit Progress event is generated

Return Value

Returns True if successful. Returns False if unsuccessful.


The HTTPPutFileEx method transfers a file to the HTTP(S) server. This method can only be executed from the client computer. It does not operate on the server. The TransPercent parameter sets the amount of transfer in percentage before the ImageKit Progress event fires. For example, if the TransPercent = 10, the ImageKit Progress event will fire 10 times, 1 time for each 10% of file transferred.

The file to be transferred is specified by the FileName property.

Example Code:

if (VImageKit1->FileIO->HTTPConnect("", "", 443, true, "User", "Password") == false) return;
VImageKit1->FileIO->FileName = "C:\\Images\\001.jpg";
VImageKit1->FileIO->HTTPPutFileEx("images/001.jpg", 10);

if (VImageKit1.FileIO.HTTPConnect('', '', 443, True, 'User', 'Password') = False) then Exit;
VImageKit1.FileIO.FileName := 'C:\Images\001.jpg';
VImageKit1.FileIO.HTTPPutFileEx('images/001.jpg', 10);


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation