This property indicates the altitude reference or standard.

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->FileIO->Exif->AltitudeRef[ = short ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.FileIO.Exif.AltitudeRef[ = Smallint ]


The reference altitude


The AltitudeRef property indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude. If the reference is sea level and the altitude is above sea level, 0 is given. If the altitude is below sea level, a value of 1 is given. The reference unit is meters.The property value can be set or retrieved by executing the FileIO.GetImageFileType or the FileIO.GetImageFileTypeMem methods.

This property is related to the Exif GPS tag.

Setting this value

This value can be set at run-time.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation