This method produces an interesting effect similar to pinching a raster image then twisting your fingers.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->Effect->WhirlPinch(const TPoint * Points, const int Points_Size, double Whirl, double Pinch, double Radius, short Red, short Green, short Blue)
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.Effect.WhirlPinch(const Points: array of TPoint; Whirl, Pinch, Radius: Double; Red, Green, Blue: Smallint)


Name Explanation
Points An array of x and y coordinate values defining points of a polygonal area on the image. (in pixels)
In C++Builder, the size of the Points array is given by Points_Size - 1
Whirl Sets the number of degrees of the twisting effect
Pinch Sets the "strength" of the pinch
Radius Sets the size of the area affected by the twisting effect (more than 0)
Red Sets the red component of the background color (from 0 to 255)
Green Sets the green component of the background color (from 0 to 255)
Blue Sets the blue component of the background color (from 0 to 255)

Return Value

Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False.


The WhirlPinch method creates an effect similar to pinching a raster image and then twisting your fingers. The Whirl parameter sets the number of degrees of the twisting effect. A value of 360 would mean that the twisting effect makes one complete revolution. The Radius parameter sets the size of the twisting effect on the image. As the Radius parameter increases in size, it affects larger areas on the image. Values of 2 or more could mean the the radius of the twisting effect is larger than the image itself. In this case the background color is used to fill any spaces that are outside of the orginal image. It is recommended that you set a Radius value of less than 1 so that the area affected remains within the image, then experiment with the Whirl parameter to get the desired effect. The Pinch parameter does exactly that, it pinches the area in the center of the twisting effect. A Pinch parameter of 1 will bring all of the colors together in the center. Values greater than 1 can "tear" the image in which case the background color is painted in the center.

To execute the WhirlPinch method, set the image handle of the image in the ImageHandle property or the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property. The WhirlPinch method supports 8 bit grayscale, 16, 24, and 32 bit images.

Before executing the WhirlPinch method, you must set the area on the image that will be affected. There are 4 ways to do this.

  1. To use a mask image, set the SelectMode property to vikEffectMask. Set the mask image handle in the MaskImageHandle property
  2. To process the total image, set the SelectMode property to vikEffectAll.
  3. To process the polygonal area on the image, set the SelectMode property to vikEffectPolygon. Select the polygon by setting the appropriate coordinate values for the points of the polygon in the Points array. The number of points defining the polygon must be 3 or more.
  4. To process an elliptical area on the image, set the SelectMode property to vikEffectEllipse. Select the ellipse by setting the appropriate values for the bounding rectangle in the RectLeft, RectTop, RectRight, and RectBottom properties

When the SelectMode property is set to vikEffectPolygon or vikEffectEllipse, the InOut property should be set. When the SelectMode property is set to values other than vikEffectPolygon, please set the Points parameter to a dummy array or to NULL.

When a 1, 4, or 8 bit image is processed, the SelectMode property must be set to process the total image (i.e. SelectMode= 1). If successful the resulting raster image data is set in the LayerNo property (the ImageHandle property or the Layer(LayerNo).ImageHandle property. If unsuccessful, 0 is returned.

When the Caption, Message, and ButtonName properties are blank, the progress dialog box will not be displayed. When the progress dialog box is displayed, the percentage that the processing has completed will be shown in the dialog box.

Differences from the ImageKit 7/8/9/10 ActiveX

The parameters x, y have been changed to type TPoint
In Delphi, it is not necessary to pass the size of the array of x, y points.

The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation