This property is used by the double byte Japanese, Chinese, and Korean character sets to control the sizes of characters that appear in the image editing toolbar text boxes.

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->Edit->ImeMode[ = TImeMode ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.Edit.ImeMode[ = TImeMode ]

Property Value

Value Explanation
imDisable Shut down the IME. imDisable has no effect on Chinese, Taiwanese, or Korean IMEs.
imClose Close the IME conversion window, but leave the IME running in the background. The IME can be reactivated by a hot key combination.
imOpen Open the IME conversion window. The conversion mode is the last conversion mode used by the IME.
imDontCare Launch the IME if it is disabled. The conversion mode is the last conversion mode used by the IME.
imSAlpha Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to accept single-width Roman alphabet input.
imAlpha Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to accept double-width Roman alphabet input.
imHira Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to double-width Hiragana. imHira is only available for Japanese IMEs.
imSKata Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to single-width Katakana (Hankaku Katakana). imSKata is only available for Japanese IMEs.
imKata Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to double-width Katakana (Zenkaku Katakana). imKata is only available for Japanese IMEs.
imChinese Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to double-width Chinese. imChinese is only available for Chinese IMEs.
imSHanguel Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to single-width Hanguel. imSHanguel is only available for Korean IMEs.
imHanguel Open the IME conversion window and set the conversion mode to double-width Hanguel. imHanguel is only available for Korean IMEs.


The ImeMode property is used by the double byte Japanese, Chinese, and Korean character sets to control the sizes of characters that appear in the image editing toolbar text boxes.

Default value is 0 (imDontCare). For details about TImeMode type, please refer to the Delphi or C++Builder help documentation.

Setting this value

This value can be set at run-time.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time.

[Differences from ImageKit7/8/9/10 ActiveX]

The Type has been changed from an Integer to a Enumeration


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation